It all begins with an idea, to create a safe environment to educate underprivileged girls.


1º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Abi is an only child who lives with her parents. They are a low-income family, and her dad is the sole breadwinner while her mom doesn't work. Abigail works hard and puts in a lot of effort to improve her grades. She enjoys painting and drawing a lot and has a keen interest in Spanish. Additionally, she excels in English.



3º grade (elementary) – 8 years old

Adilene comes from RISE (Infant Shelter Santa Esperanza), which belongs to the governmental system DIF (Integral Development for the Family), where she was abandoned almost since birth. Adilene is a girl with autism traits who finds it difficult to connect with other girls, but despite that, she enjoys coming to school a lot, interacting with her classmates, and learning. She excels in Math, has excellent reasoning, and puts in a lot of effort.



2º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Alexa Fernanda lives with her sister and her mom, who takes care of her grandfather and all the household expenses. This makes it difficult for her mom to be more attentive to Alexa, who suffers from Asperger's syndrome and requires a bit more attention as her learning process is different. Alexa has experienced bullying in her previous schools because of this Alexa is very happy here at school. She enjoys learning and puts in a lot of effort to fit in and be accepted. Her classmates know they should support her, and she continuously improves in her studies.


High School – 16 years old

Alexa lives with her younger sister and her mom, who works as our cook. The three of them live alone, and her mom works hard to support her daughters without receiving any support from their father. Alexa is a cheerful girl who enjoys spending time with her friends. She has changed her attitude and seems happier at school now. She has improved both her attitude and grades and puts in a lot of effort. She particularly enjoys English.



High School – 17 years old

Alison spends time with both her mom and her dad as they are divorced. She has a half-sister who lives with her mom. Each parent has other partners, which has been challenging for Alison to manage. Despite this, she is very responsible and mature for her age. Alison has significantly improved her attitude towards school and her classmates, although she finds it difficult to socialize with them. She enjoys studying and consistently earns excellent grades. She is an outstanding student and will be our first high school graduate this year. Alison wants to study business administration.


6º grade (elementary) – 14 years old

Alondra comes from Casa Hogar Máximo Cornejo, which is part of the DIF’s system, where she has grown up since being taken from a dysfunctional and violent home. Alondra has grown up with many emotional deficiencies; therefore, she is a nervous teenager with anxiety issues. Today, Alondra has a bit more confidence, has been learning more effectively, and enjoys the subjects of Spanish and Math.


2º grade (middle school) – 14 years old

Ashley lives with her mom, her older sister (who also attends the school), two younger brothers, and an older brother. Their mom is responsible for the family's finances. With limited time to spend with her five children, Ashley has grown up to be a quiet and shy girl. However, she excels in school. Gradually, she is becoming more open and less timid. She dislikes missing school and consistently earns excellent grades. Ashley is very responsible.


3º grade (middle school) – 14 years old

Ayleth lives with her two parents. She has two older siblings who live on their own. Her dad works as a taxi driver, and they don't have many resources. He also helps her grandparents. Ayleth is sociable and enjoys school. She has made good friends and consistently earns excellent grades. She particularly enjoys English and Math.



1º grade (middle school) – 15 years old

Azucena lives with her parents and her 2 brothers. Her dad suffered a serious accident and became disabled, leaving all the economic responsibility on her mom and Azucena. Azucena has worked in seasons to help at home. She is very quiet but has made friends. Now, she gets along better with everyone. She enjoys school, does well in her grades, and likes Spanish and Geography.



6º grade (elementary) – 11 years old

Brisa comes from a family consisting of both parents, and she is the third of 4 siblings. Both parents work in a small family business, and they don't have enough to provide their children with the education they would like, including English. Brisa is good in Math and Art (she paints very well). She likes school in general, dislikes missing it as she has made good friends, behaves very well, and has good grades.


High School – 18 years old

Carla comes from a close-knit family. She is an only child, and her parents are very attentive to her. She spent several years studying from home, which caused a delay in her education. Her parents cannot afford a private school, and they liked our system. Carla is an exceptional student. She learns very quickly and is very dedicated. She will be one of the next to graduate. She enjoys spending time with her friends, learning English, and doing crafts.


2º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Daiana comes from a family of divorced parents. She lives with her dad and her grandmother since her mom remarried and formed another family. Her dad takes care of Daiana, but he spends very little time with her. Daiana is a cheerful girl who enjoys school and her friends. She struggles to maintain her grades, but overall, she's doing well. She enjoys Spanish and Science.


2º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Daniela lives with her sister (who also attends the school) and her grandparents, who have been taking care of them since their mom left. Despite living with limited resources, their grandparents do everything possible to provide for them. Daniela is a very calm and reserved girl. She puts in effort at school, completes all her tasks, and has a few friends. She enjoys Spanish and Science.


3º grade (middle school) – 14 years old

Daniela lives with her mom and her sister (who also attends the school). Their dad passed away during the pandemic, so now their mom works whenever she can, and the girls sometimes work to help her out. Daniela has been playing the violin since she was a child and is part of the children's orchestra in Vallarta. She is introverted, with a small social circle, but she gets along well with everyone. She really enjoys the subject of science.



6º grade (elementary) – 12 years old

Elisa lives with her parents, her younger sister, and her aunt, who became a widow last year, along with her daughters who also attend the school. In total, 8 people live in the house. Elisa's dad takes care of all the household expenses, while her mom and aunt work occasionally. Elisa is a very diligent girl who enjoys school, particularly English and Spanish.



3º grade (elementary) – 8 years old

Emma is a girl who lives with her mom and her 8-month-old sister. Her mom constantly changes residences and romantic partners, so Emma doesn't live in a secure or stable family environment. Her mom consumes drugs and alcohol and frequently misses out because of this. Despite everything, Emma really enjoys coming to school. She has made good friends, enjoys the food, and is very diligent. She particularly loves learning about Science, History, and English.


5º grade (elementary) – 11 years old

Emma Isabella recently moved from Los Cabos to Nayarit. She lives near Sayulita with her mom and her 2 brothers. Despite traveling 1.5 hours to school every day, she never misses a day. Her mom is alone in taking care of her three children and works at an Oxxo. Emma has gradually opened up and now gets along very well with the other girls. Her favorite subjects are English and Math.



6º grade (elementary) – 14 years old

Evelin grew up under her grandfather's care for the first 13 years of her life. Now her mom has returned for her, and they live together with two younger siblings. Her mom works as a manager at an Oxxo store to support her three children. Evelin is a reserved girl, but she is gradually participating more in class and becoming more social with her classmates. She enjoys Spanish class.


High School – 14 years old

Galilea is the youngest of 2 siblings and lives with her parents. Her dad works as a waiter and doesn't earn enough to send her to a private school. They are a close-knit and hardworking family. Galilea is a very sweet and social girl. She is highly organized and enjoys crafting. She loves school and maintains an excellent GPA. She is an outstanding student.


3º grade (elementary) – 9 years old

Genesis lives only with her dad and sister (who also attends the school). Her mom passed away a year ago, which has been tough for them. Her dad works all day, so coming to school and being here for almost 8 hours, having two secure meals, and learning has been a great help for the family, as they are practically alone after school. Genesis is very talented in Art; she enjoys painting and drawing, and she also likes Spanish.



High School – 14 years old

Heidy lives with her sister (who also attends the school) and her grandparents, who have been taking care of them since their mom left. Despite living with limited resources, their grandparents do everything possible to provide for them. Heidy finds it challenging to fit in with the other girls, but she has been adapting well to school. She enjoys tutoring younger girls, learning, and excels in her studies. Heidy particularly enjoys mathematics, Spanish, and Art (drawing).



High School – 17 years old

Helen lives with her mom, and her parents are going through a divorce, which has affected her. Currently, her mom doesn't have a steady job and can't afford school for her daughter. Despite being quiet, Helen gets along well with her classmates, has made friends, and has improved her grades significantly. She enjoys Spanish.


High School – 15 years old

Isabella lives with her mom, her sister (who also attends the school), two younger brothers, and an older brother. Their mom is responsible for the family's finances, and her time with her children is limited due to work commitments. As the oldest sibling, Isabella has grown up with many responsibilities. She is an outgoing, dynamic, and natural leader with a great ability to plan. Isabella enjoys Art, Crafts, and Math. She has good friends at school.


4º grade (elementary) – 10 years old

Kenia lives with her mom and her sister (who also attends the school). Their dad is a very violent man, which is why they no longer live with him. Kenia's mom works cleaning houses, and it's their only source of income. Kenia is a very reserved and quiet girl. She performs well in her subjects but struggles to keep up sometimes. She enjoys coming to classes and learning, particularly Spanish and Science.



1º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

María lost her dad a little over a year ago due to an illness. She, along with her mom and sister, used to live in a community in Cabo Corrientes. Now, her dad's brother brought them to live with his family, so six people live in a small house. Maria's mom works cleaning houses. Maria has improved a lot in school; she studies more and has a more positive attitude. She has made friends, and her grades have improved.


6º grade (elementary) – 11 years old

Mileny lives only with her dad and sister (who also attends the school). Her mom passed away a year ago, which has been tough for them. Her dad works all day, so coming to school and being here for almost 8 hours, having two secure meals, and learning has been a great help for the family, as they are practically alone after school. Mileny is good at Spanish and Geography; she enjoys English and having friends.



1º grade (middle school) – 14 years old

Nora is the eldest of 3 siblings. They recently moved from Los Cabos to Nayarit (near Sayulita). She and her sister work on the weekends to help their mom with expenses, and despite living so far away, they never miss school. Nora is an outgoing girl who has made good friends. She enjoys talking, earns good grades, and likes drawing (Art) and English.


High School – 16 years old

Perla lives with her parents and 2 siblings, being the middle child. Both parents work to support their household. Her mom works at Vallarta Food Bank, which is how she learned about this school, as economic reasons had previously prevented her from attending high school. Perla has undergone a significant and positive transformation at school. She is now much more receptive, open, cheerful, and eager to study. She particularly enjoys Spanish.


2º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Regina lives with her older sister (who also attends the school) and her uncle, who takes care of them since their mom passed away 2 years ago. Regina is one of our first students and has undergone a significant and positive transformation. She is now more open and puts in more effort, although she still struggles with some subjects. She enjoys drawing, exercising, and likes Spanish and English.


High School – 15 years old

Ruby lives with her younger sister (who also attends the school) and her uncle, who has been taking care of them since their mom passed away 2 years ago. Ruby is very sociable but also shy and insecure. She enjoys spending time with her classmates but finds it harder than others to learn and retain information. She likes school, dislikes missing it, has made good friends at school, and enjoys the subject of Art.



High School – 15 years old

Sarah lives with her mom and her younger sister, who also attends the school. Their dad passed away during the pandemic, so now their mom works whenever she can, and Sarah started working on weekends to help her mom. Like her sister, Sarah has been playing the violin since she was a child and is part of the children's orchestra in Vallarta. She is outgoing, has many friends at school, and works hard in her subjects. Sarah particularly enjoys Art and Math. 


1º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Stacy lives with her mom and her sister, who also attends the school. Their dad is a very violent man, so they no longer live with him. Stacy's mom works cleaning houses, and it's the family's only source of income. Stacy is a very shy girl; she finds it difficult to participate and express her opinions, but she still has friends and interacts at school. Her favorite subjects are Spanish and Civics.


2º grade (middle school) – 13 years old

Vanessa lives with her 2 brothers and her parents, both of whom work and are attentive to their children. Their expenses don't allow them to send their daughter to a better school, so being here has helped them a lot. Vanessa is an excellent student. She is very sociable and gets along well with the other girls. She earns excellent grades and particularly enjoys English.



High School – 15 years old

Victoria comes from Guanajuato, where her mom and sister live. Her mom sent her to Vallarta to study because she couldn't provide her with educational opportunities there. Here, she lives with her aunt and her family. Victoria is a cheerful girl who enjoys having friends at school, although she is a bit insecure. However, she has been gaining more confidence gradually. Currently, she works at Bonito Kitchen, where she puts in effort every day. She also enjoys learning English.


High School – 16 years old

Viviana lost her dad a little over a year ago due to an illness. She, along with her mom and sister, used to live in a small community in Cabo Corrientes. Now, her dad's brother brought them to live with his family, so six people live in a small house. Viviana's mom works cleaning houses. Viviana is a very calm and sociable girl who gets along well with all her classmates. She enjoys coming to school a lot and puts in effort not to fall behind. She has improved her grades significantly.

Would you consider donating a scholarship to sponsor one of our students? With a monthly contribution of $200 USD, you can cover the cost of tuition, books, supplies, meals, and uniforms for one student.