Our mission is to create a nurturing and inclusive space where young girls can thrive. Currently, we can only accommodate 40 girls in our rented facility. It's time to expand and build a school that can welcome up to 100 girls, allowing us to include those on our waitlist.

We’ve raised enough funds to buy a lot for our school in a safe neighborhood near Fluvial. Now, we need approximately $7,000,000 pesos ($380,000 USD) for construction, which will include an eight-classroom, two-story building, a cafeteria, a library, a gym, a music room and a rooftop restaurant to support operational costs.

Our goal is to create a sustainable model where revenue from the restaurant and other initiatives will support our students’ educational needs for years to come. We aim to open by July 2025 and invite you to help us reach our building fund goal.

Be Part of Our Legacy

Sponsors giving $5,000 or more will receive a personalized brick on our Gratitude Wall at the school entrance.

Join Us in Building Dreams: The Vallarta School for Girls

Foundation Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Mortar Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Brick Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Classroom Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Library Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Cafeteria Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Gym Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Music Room Contribution
Building Fund Donation
Rooftop Contribution
Building Fund Donation