JULY 2024

End of the School Year Spelling Bee, graduation, new website, and events

As the school year comes to a close, we celebrated with a fantastic spelling bee that truly showcased the hard work of all our students. Congratulations to our winners: Genesis in 1st level, Azucena in 2nd level, Daniela in 3rd level, and Ashley in 4th level!

Last week, we also held our graduation and award ceremonies. We are thrilled to announce that eight students received Excellence honors, reflecting their dedication and effort. Three students are moving up from junior high to high school, while four students are transitioning from elementary to junior high.

The event was filled with joy, with many parents and guardians in attendance. There were plenty of happy tears as the girls bid farewell to each other for the summer.

A special thank you to all our teachers and administrators for their outstanding work not only in teaching but also in counseling and supporting the girls throughout the year. Your dedication has made a significant impact!

To all our supporters, we sincerely thank you for believing in our mission and for your commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of these girls. Your generosity is fostering a nurturing environment where they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We truly appreciate you!

Back to School

We’re gearing up for the back-to-school season for this August! Each year, we have various expenses to cover for our students. Below is our budget for the upcoming school year. We will be organizing fundraisers to help meet these needs, and we welcome any sponsorships or support you can provide. If you’re interested in helping us with these expenses, please reach out to us at admin@girlsedfund.com. Your support means a lot!

- Spanish Books: $85,000 pesos

- English Books: $15,000 pesos

- Uniforms: $55,000 pesos

- School Supplies: $12,000 pesos

We have two teachers who are taking night classes to earn their MBAs, and we want to support them by covering half of their fees, which amounts to $2,000 pesos per month. If you’re interested in helping, please let us know!

To support our daily operations, we’re excited to announce many events for the coming season.

The first event, Festival of Trees, is a fresh concept proposed by one of our supporters, Brian, and we're happy to share some information to spark your imagination in case you would like to participate.!

The first annual 2024 Festival of Trees will be held from November 18 through December 8 at Casita & Garden, Naranjo 321, EZ, celebrating the holidays and our community. Local businesses and individuals are invited to create and donate beautiful holiday decorations, including extravagant trees, stunning wreaths, and hand-crafted ornaments. These trees will be on display for the community to admire, vote on, and ultimately bid for in a silent auction. The proceeds from this auction will directly benefit the school, contributing to the educational resources and facilities for our school.

To Contribute a Tree, Wreath or Ornaments: Please register by November 4th. There is no cost to participate, but your work will be the centerpiece of our fundraising efforts. Register here.

To see other upcoming events, click here.

We invite you to support the Vallarta School for Girls at whatever level you can afford. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a meaningful impact on our students' lives. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Sponsor a Student : Consider becoming a monthly sponsor to provide consistent support for one of our students. Your recurring donation will ensure that we can continue to offer a high-quality education and essential services.

  • Donations : Your one-time or monthly donation will provide assistance for our operating expenses including rent, teachers, books, uniforms, school meals, and supplies for the school year.

  • Building Fund: Our mission is to create a nurturing and inclusive space where young girls can thrive. Currently, we can only accommodate 40 girls in our rented facility. It's time to expand and build a school that can welcome up to 100 girls, allowing us to include those on our waitlist. Our goal is to create a sustainable model where revenue from the restaurant and other initiatives will support our students’ educational needs for years to come.

Be Part of Our Legacy

Sponsors giving $5,000 or more will receive a personalized brick on our Gratitude Wall at the school entrance.